Wednesday Holy Hour & Benediction 6 pm
Cathedral Holy Hour will be weekly on Wednesdays at 6pm starting 15 September. Please join our Eucharistic Lord for an hour. It is a wonderful gift, especially at this time in history. Each week the Holy Hour will begin with a Novena followed by silent prayer and concluding at 6:45pm with Compline or Night Prayer.

Café Cathedral!
Please join us in our new “Café Cathedral” following 9 am & 11:15 am Sunday Masses. The Café is located in the lower church where for a modest donation you are served delicious home-made baked goods. Enjoy a cup of excellent coffee and a bite to eat as you catch up with fellow parishioners. (Children should be accompanied by a parent.) The Café is staffed by volunteers. If you would like to join a team we would love to have you! You would help set up and serve after the 9am 0r 11:15am Mass, please contact the office at parish.secretary@charlestoncathedral.com.

Diocesan Bicentennial Closing Mass with Cardinal Dolan
You are Invited Join us as we celebrate the Closing Mass for the 200th Anniversary of the Diocese of Charleston By His Eminence Cardinal Dolan of New York Sunday 11 July 2021 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon

Build your Domestic Church
From the USCCB Website: According to the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church: “The family, is so to speak, the domestic church.” (Lumen Gentium #11) This means that it is in the context of the family that we first learn who God is and to prayerfully seek His will for us. In the following bullet points you will find some suggestions on how to build your “domestic church” through a life of prayer that can help all the members of your family. Begin praying as a family and reading from Scripture daily, certainly before meals, but also first thing

Seven Habits to Become a Saint
1. Say the Morning Offering first thing after you get up, dedicate the day to the glory of God. 2. Fifteen minutes of quiet prayer, preferably before the Blessed Sacrament, but this can be done at home or outside. Join Mary (Lk 10:38) and just sit at the feet of Jesus and listen. 3. Fifteen minutes of spiritual reading. This could be a systematic reading of the New Testament/ the lives of the Saints/ Catholic Catechism/ etc. 4. Attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion in the state of grace (of course, this presumes a frequent trip to the confessional).

Dispensation From Attending Sunday Mass Expires 5 June
Bishop Guglielmone released a letter last Friday announcing that he is ending the general dispensation from the obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sundays effective next Saturday 5 June. The bishop’s letter may be found here: https://tinyurl.com/bishopltr. An individual dispensation for those still at risk of grave illness and for the caretakers remains. Those who fall under the targeted dispensations due to high risk of grave illness may be found here: charlestondiocese.org/returning-to-the-table/returning-faqs. Diocesan norms due to the pandemic continue to: • Prohibit sharing the common Chalice • Prohibit the Sign of Peace • Encourage wearing masks but not required. • Strongly recommended that everyone eligible to receive a