From the USCCB Website:
According to the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church: “The family, is so to speak, the domestic church.” (Lumen Gentium #11) This means that it is in the context of the family that we first learn who God is and to prayerfully seek His will for us. In the following bullet points you will find some suggestions on how to build your “domestic church” through a life of prayer that can help all the members of your family.
Begin praying as a family and reading from Scripture daily, certainly before meals, but also first thing in the morning or before bed. Find a time that works for your family. Use the liturgy of the Church as a model for prayer, and try to include heartfelt unstructured prayer as well.
Pray a Family Rosary (each member leads a decade, and everyone shares intentions).
Have a crucifix in a prominent place in the home, and in every bedroom.
Make the Sacraments a regular celebration – take the whole family to Confession and Mass!
Begin family traditions based on the seasons celebrated in the liturgical calendar.
Make your vacation a holy pilgrimage by visiting the shrines and saints of our land and the world.
- Make worshiping God a priority. Never miss Mass, even while traveling – go to: to find a church near you!
Teach stewardship and charity to your children, through word and example.
Demonstrate love for your spouse, your children, your neighbors, and the world. Remind your children that they are loved by God and have been given gifts to serve others.
Talk freely about the presence of God in the joys and sorrows of your life.
Welcome into your home and support priests, brothers, sisters, deacons, and lay ministers in the Church.
Participate in the lay ministries and activities of your parish community.
Allow your children to witness you in private prayer. Encourage your children to pray daily on their own, to listen for God’s call, and if heard, to respond.
Here are some links to help:
Cathedral Parishioners have access for free to FORMED which has Catholic talks, e-books, movies, children’s content and studies. If you have not made an account yet, you can do so by going to http://charlestoncathedral.
Looking for ideas to live the Liturgical Year at home? Catholic Icing has crafts, recipes and ideas to engage children more fully in the Church year – all year round!
Rosary Mother Angelica Joyful
Rosary Mother Angelica Sorrowful
Rosary Mother Angelica Glorious
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Stations of the Cross Ligouri – led by Fr. Z
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