Very Rev. Gregory Wilson, V.G.
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Paul Lacombe

Church Operations
“I see that you really are a living parish where you all collaborate, where you bear each other’s burdens—as St. Paul says—and thus contribute to the growth of the living building of the Lord, which is the Church.”
– Pope Benedict XVI, 2006
Deacon Charles Olimpio
Deacon Thomas Baranoski
Deacon Jim Letendre
Mrs. Stephanie Stewart, (843) 724-8395
Executive Assistant to the Rector
Mrs. Diane Horkey, (843) 724-8395
Bulletin, Calendar of Events, Newsletter, Website
Cathedral Secretary – AM
Ms. Cheryl LaRose, (843) 724-8395
Parishioner Registration, Baptism Scheduling, Ministry Scheduling
Cathedral Secretary – PM
Mrs. Kate Peabody, (843) 724-8395
Mrs. Margaret Hill
Assistant Bookkeeper
Mrs. Elizabeth Segrest
Assistant Bookkeeper
Mr. Rick Segrest
Mr. Scott Smith

“The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art.”
– Sacrosanctum Concilium, #112
Mr. Scott Powell, (843) 724-8395
Director of Sacred Music
Religious Education
“The Church as a mother is under an obligation…to provide for its children an education by virtue of which their whole lives may be inspired by the Spirit of Christ.”
– Gravissimum Educationis, #3
Mr. Brian Barnwell, (843) 724-8395
Director of Evangelization & Christian Formation
Mr. Fred McKay, (843) 577-4495
Principal, The Charleston Catholic School
(Parochial School)
Maria Graham (843) 577-4495
Communications Associate, Charleston Catholic School