2024 Capital Campaign


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Since 1821, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist has stood on its foundation on Broad Street as a gathering place for people to celebrate the Faith here in Charleston. Throughout our history of nearly two centuries, Cathedral parishioners have worked to be good stewards of our blessings through undertaking important projects to improve and sustain our spiritual home.

After restoring our stained-glass windows and building the steeple, we are ready to begin a new project that makes necessary improvements and brings out our Cathedral’s beauty in the same vision as originally conceptualized. We are thankful for our deeply rooted history here in Charleston, but must always be looking to the future of our church for generations to come. With this in mind, the time has come for us to take another step forward in caring for our beloved Cathedral.

We now embark on this project to celebrate our 200 year history, following St. Pope Pius X’s motto: Instaurare Omnia in Christo, or “to restore all things in Christ.” With fresh paint and plaster, a new HVAC system, and updated lighting and sound systems, our Church will be poised to begin its third century and best serve God and His people for years to come.


The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist is the mother church of our Diocese. It is our prayer that the Cathedral will continue to be a place of hope, joy, and faith for centuries to come. With your resolve and ongoing leadership, we can fulfill our full vision and transform the lives of thousands more over the next 200 years.

Grace and peace,

Msgr. Steven Brovey, Rector





“In our Catholic tradition, churches are ‘icons of heaven.’ That’s why Catholics have always seen the importance of beauty, which lifts our souls to God”-Msgr. Steven Brovey

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