Due to inclement weather and heavy rains the Marian Festival will not take place.
Join us “under the tent” on Sunday 20 October 10:15-11:30 am for our Marian Oktoberfest! Sign up to bring a dish to share at: https://tinyurl.com/y6sv6mcs
Monsignor Brovey will offer to enroll anyone who desires in the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel at the 9am Mass on Sunday, 20 October. Please RSVP to the Parish Office at 843-724-8395 if you want a scapular provided or you may bring your own if you like.
All children and adults interested in learning about this sacramental are invited to a short class on Sunday 13 October from 10:15-11:00am at 105 Queen, library 2nd floor. Contact Karen at christian.formation@ charlestoncathedral.com.
For additional information on the Brown Scapular visit http://www.sistersofcarm el.com/brown-scapular- information.php.
Flos Carmeli
O beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful Vine,
Splendor of Heaven, holy and singular, who
brought forth the Son of God, still ever remaining
a Pure Virgin, assist me in this necessity.
O Star of the Sea, help and protect me!
Show me that thou art my Mother.
O Mary, Conceived without sin,
Pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Mother and Ornament of Carmel, Pray for us!
Virgin, Flower of Carmel, Pray for us!
Patroness of all who wear the Scapular, Pray for us!
Hope of all who die wearing the Scapular, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Friend of the Sacred Heart, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Chaste Spouse of Mary, Pray for us!
St. Joseph, Our Patron, Pray for us!
O sweet Heart of Mary, be my Salvation!