
Guidelines on attending Mass at Cathedral during the COVID 19 pandemic:


Face Covering:

Everyone entering the Cathedral building is REQUIRED to wear a face covering. The Charleston City Council mandated the wearing of face coverings in public areas effective 1 July 2020.


Attending Mass in the upper Cathedral:

We ask that everyone continue to maintain social distancing when in the Cathedral building. Please note:

  • The main door of the Cathedral is ENTRANCE ONLY. The side aisles doors are EXIT ONLY.

  • Every other pew is available for seating. There are “X’s” on the pew seats to help in social distancing. An “X” indicates where one person or two may be seated. Families may fill an entire pew. Ushers will be on hand to assist.

  • You will be handed a piece of paper which requests that you leave it on the pew where you sat indicating where cleaning will be required after Mass.

  • Please dispose of your Music Program in the trashcan as you exit the side aisle doors. They will not be reused.

  • Let common sense prevail so as not to have to over regulate the way we attend Holy Mass and we lose all sense of the sacred action we are entering. Please wear a face covering, and social distance when not seated with family members.

  • If you are sick – suffering any respiratory issue you are requested not to attend.

  • The obligation to attend Sunday Mass is lifted until further notice.

Offertory Collection:

  • We thank all those who have continue to give to the parish via electronic giving or mail in their offertory envelope.

  • An offertory basket has been placed on a table halfway down the main aisle.

  • You may drop your envelope in before Mass or as you are approaching for Holy Communion.

Reception of Holy Communion:

Holy Communion will be distributed at the normal time during Holy Mass. Please note:

  • At the Sunday morning Masses, Holy Communion will be distributed in two locations at the front of the Cathedral.

  • The right line by the Blessed Mother Chapel reception of Holy Communion is in the hand ONLY

  • Please maintain social distancing norms of 6 feet unless you are lined up with family members.

  • Process up the main aisle and approach the priest or minister who will be standing by the column behind a kneeler. You may kneel or stand to receive.

  • Diocesan norms request that you receive in the hand during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Liturgical Ministers:

  • Thank you to all those who have been so generous in serving Our Lord and the parish in the various liturgical ministries as Ushers, Greeters, Lectors, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

  • However, given current health precautions and norms, no one over 65 may serve at any our parish liturgies until further notice.

  • We will no longer will be using Ushers, Greeters or Sacristans at the parish Masses until further notice. It is important to reduce the number of people who set up, handle items or who are present at the door.


Guidelines for the Sacrament of Confession:

  • Confessions are Wednesdays at 9:30 am  in the Sacred Heart Chapel. (Next to the Bishop’s Chair)

  • You are requested to wear a face covering when in the Cathedral.

  • Please line up along the side aisle spacing at keep the 6 feet social distancing as you wait.