Corpus Christi Procession and Party 2018 Thanks & Pics!

“It brought great joy to my heart that so many were present for the Corpus Christi Solemn Mass, the Eucharistic procession and the block party under what has been nicknamed the “Cathedral party tent!” It was a great public witness of your love for our Eucharistic Lord to have a full Cathedral and about 300 people in the procession singing hymns of praise and adoration for the awesome gift of the His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist and asking His blessings on our beloved city, our homes and our hearts.
Many thanks to our great Events Committee for all their hard work organizing and making sure the event went smoothly. A special word of thanks to the Knights of Columbus Council #704  who donated all the hamburgers and hot dogs and staffed the grill. Also, a word of gratitude to Dan Sansone and the Cathedral Choir for the splendid music at the Mass and during the procession. It was truly a great parish event of prayer, Eucharistic adoration and fellowship!”
– Msgr. Brovey