Blessing of the Bambinos This Sunday



“Gaudete in Domino semper! Rejoice in the Lord always!” (Phil. 4)

On Sunday we celebrate, Gaudete Sunday, which receives its name from the Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians quoted in the Entrance Antiphon. It is also “Bambino Sunday.” I want to encourage everyone to bring the Christ Child from your manger scene to Mass this weekend and place it before the parish manger scene. During Mass all the images of the Christ Child will receive a special blessing as we continue our final Advent preparations for Christmas. It is also a beautiful way to connect your family crèche with the parish crèche. There is another wonderful Catholic custom at Christmas Mass: after Christmas Mass “going in haste to Bethlehem” as did the shepherds and making a visit to the parish crèche and taking a piece of straw and then placing it in your family crèche at home. As I have mentioned at Mass, your home is meant be a “domestic church”… a place of prayer and praise and adoration of God as is the Cathedral building itself. These beautiful Catholic customs help to make that connection. So be sure to bring the Christ Child from your family manager scene for the “Bambino Blessing” this weekend!

Msgr. Brovey